Garden Jobs for December

December jobs for the garden are mostly about the birds. I love it when a Robin arrives in the garden and happily munches away on the food we have left out. Last year there were a few pigeons that came along and ate most of it before giving anyone else a chance, so I took inspiration from for a few good ideas for bird feeders.

How about making this incredibly easy and attractive feeder from homeschoolblogger, using a pomelo, peanut butter and cranberries!

Just scoop out the inside,

Make the filling with 1 pound of lard and 2 cups of peanut butter melted in a large pot, then stir in 4 cups of bird seed and 2 cups of chunky cornmeal and let it cool.

Start threading the pomelo with string and pop on the cranberries.

When you have finished tie it up the top and fill with the peanut butter filling.

Luck birds eh? Do you know any more easy to make bird feeders, let me know and I'll put in my next feature post.

Icy pond? Grab youself a pond heater or alternatively leave a football in the pond to prevent ice forming around it.

When you are all cosy in your living room, hopefully beside the fire, take a rest and enjoy flicking through seed catalogues and order your letttuce and cabbages if you haven't already. Make sure you have a nice homemade hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows! This is a dream!

Rockley Park, By the beach and a lovely sunset!

I was lucky enough to be down at Rockley Park recently for a long weekend. It's a caravan park which has daily entertainment for guests and a rather lovely spa. The last time I went was about 15 years ago ( I only live 10 minutes away!) before the refurbishment and now it's all posh! What do you think of our digs then?
 Down at the boatyard, there are many different sailing activities you can enjoy throughout the summer.

 Not quite a sunbathing beach, but could for beachcombing and foraging (so I've been told).

 This is actually better than my kitchen at home. I've always wanted an island.

 Okay so the pic is a bit dark but you get the idea, it's cosy but it has the oh so important sea view.

I love this, just me and a glass of wine, relaxing on the decking. Happy days!!! I did go in the spa briefly, I couldn't afford it but I had a good smell around and once I felt relaxed I went on my way.

Christmas Shopping at Haskins

I love Haskins, it's a garden centre in Dorset that has the most amazing christmas decorations. My friend s going to recreate this table display for her Christmas Day Dinner.